I've just published a response to Paul Krugman's criticism of my recent Bloomberg article on limits to growth. It's over at Medium.com in the new collection Bull Market. I don't think Krugman's arguments carried a lot of weight, as you'll see. First paragraphs below....
A few days ago I wrote a column in Bloomberg exploring some ideas about possible physical (and biological/ecological) limits to economic growth. I pointed out that total global energy consumption continues to grow even as we learn to use energy ever more efficiently. And I suggested — based on empirical data from the recent past — that there’s little reason to believe, as many economists quite confidently do, that our energy use will soon “decouple” from economic expansion, enabling us to fly off into a future of unlimited betterment through increasing economic output, even as we come to use less and less energy. I also examined a few reasons why continuing to use ever more energy is a certain path to ever worsening ecological problems; it’s really not a wise option.
Economist and prolific New York Times columnist Paul Krugman was irritated, even exasperated, and fired off an “acerbic rebuttal”
(to use Noah Smith’s elegant description). He was aggravated that I, as
a physicist, was weighing in on topics he thinks should be left to
economists. He also suggested that I was just recycling an old argument
originally put forth by other physical scientists, which his fellow
economist William Nordhaus had completely demolished long ago. Now
Krugman had to rise up to do it again! How tiring!
Krugman’s actual argument was surprisingly weak, and I think grossly
misleading, so here’s an attempt to bring a little more clarity to the
discussion. I do think Krugman is a brilliant columnist, and I agree
with him on lots of things, maybe even most things. But he very much has
the wrong end of the stick on this one. Read more here.